Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Richard Karlovich Zommer - Sohbet [1910]

In this work Richard Karlovich Zommer (1866 - 1939) has depicted a central aspect of oriental life, as figures gather together in the local coffeehouse to escape the heat of the day. As the men congregate in groups of two and three, it is clear that the establishment is a central meeting point in the community, where people come to relax, chat and debate. The figures are all dressed in bright, vibrant colours, enhanced by the glare of the fierce sun. The coffeehouse’s patrons shelter under the canopy or the shade of the tree, whilst they drink, eat and smoke shisha from their hookah pipes. Zommer has used a frieze-like composition, with the figures dispersed across the width of the foreground, which focuses the viewers’ attention on the individualism of the characters. By capturing the intense heat and the relaxed convivial atmosphere of the scene, Zommer’s lifelong fascination with the culture and customs of the orient is clearly demonstrated in Sohbet.

[Oil on canvas, 49 x 75 cm]

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