Wednesday, November 16, 2011

José Gutiérrez Solana - On the Game

José Gutiérrez Solana (Madrid, 1886 - Madrid, June 26, 1947) was a painter and writer who was a key figure in the Spanish cultural revival of the early 20th century. Gutiérrez Solana attended art school in Madrid from 1900 to 1904. As a young man, he spent his days in the slums and suburbs of Madrid and in the Cantabrian harbours, studying the most wretched aspects of Spanish life. 

Influenced by the Spanish masters, Gutiérrez Solana painted a tragic view of urban life, scenes of grief and horror rendered in sombre earth tones and blood reds. He applied thick layers of paint, charging his subjects, which often included bulls, urban landscapes, taverns, and prostitutes, with a garish energy. He first exhibited his work in 1907 and won medals for his paintings in 1922, 1929, and 1942. A man respected within his country, Gutiérrez Solana led an isolated life in Madrid, despite his honours.

[Oil on canvas, 99 x 121 cm]

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