Thursday, November 17, 2011

Master of Flémalle - Portrait of a Fat Man [c.1425]

The subject’s chubby unshaven face, double chin, ruffled hair and the pronounced wrinkles on his forehand indicate a probable thirst for power and an earthly presence. This portrait is astonishingly lifelike, especially considering that, when viewed more closely, there is a lack of intellectual alertness in the subjects physiognomy.

People have always wondered about the identity of the subject of this portrait. It is most probable that he is Robert de Masmines, who served the Burgundian dukes John the Fearless (1404-19) and Philip the Good (1419-67) as councillor and military commander. Knighted in 1420 at the siege of Melun, de Masmines was admitted to the Order of the Golden Fleece in January 1430. He was killed in that same year in the Battle of Bouvines, fought by Philip the Good against the Liégeois.

[Oil on oak, 28.5 x 17.7 cm]

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