Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mervin Jules - The Bar At Rosy's [1977]

Born in Baltimore, Mervin Jules received artistic training at Baltimore City College and the Maryland Institute College of Art, graduating in 1934. Prior to his study, in Baltimore Jules designed silk prints, painted china, cared for children and helped in his father's clothing shop in order to make ends meet; he received a scholarship to attend MICA in 1932 at the age of 18. Jules typically used dramatic and evocative lighting where sinewy figures emerge from darkened backgrounds, much like the paintings of Daumier. Like other social realist artists, his subjects are most often depictions of the plight of the poor and disadvantaged. Jules' works also encompassed satires against fascism and social ills. He died in Provincetown, Massachusetts in 1994.

[Oil on canvas, 101.0 x 151.7 cm]

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