Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Goya - The Nude Maja [1797-1800]

An image of Venus in the nude, lying on a green velvet divan with pillows and a spread. It is listed for the first time in 1800 as hanging over a door in Manuel Godoy's palace, but without its companion, The Clothed Maja. In 1808 it is mentioned again, along with The Clothed Maja, in the inventory which Frédéric Quillet, José Bonaparte's agent, made of the property of Manuel Godoy, who may have commissioned it. Then, in 1813, the two ladies are described as Gypsies in the inventory of Godoy's property confiscated by King Fernando VII. 

[Museo Nacional del Prado - Oil on canvas, 98 x 191 cm]

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