Thursday, January 19, 2012

Meindert Hobberma - The Haarlem Lock, Amsterdam [c.1663-65]

The Haarlem Lock (Haarlemmersluis) and the Herring-Packers' Tower (Haaringpakkerstoren) are seen from the west side of the Singel Canal, at its junction with the Brouwersgracht. None of the buildings shown has survived. The tower was part of the town's fortifications and dated from the 15th century; its spire was added at the beginning of the 17th century. The view shows the area before alterations of 1661-62, but may have been painted later. Hobbema was living in the Haarlemmerdijk, the corner of which is shown here in the left background, by late 1668. The painting is the only known townscape by Hobbema. Thus the lack of comparable works makes dating the picture difficult; a date of about 1663-65 has been suggested.

[Oil on canvas, 77 x 98 cm]

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