Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Gigo Gabashvili - The Market

Gigo Gabashvili, who also painted under the pseudonym Gigo Gabaev, is widely considered to be the founder of the new Critical Realism School of painting in Georgian art. He was born in Tiflis in 1862 and like many other aspiring Georgian artists in the nineteenth century, went to St. Petersburg to study at the prestigious Academy of Arts. His first entry attempt in 1883 was unsuccessful, and he returned to Tiflis where he became Frants Roubaud’s assistant. As Roubaud’s assistant, Gabashvili travelled extensively gathering materials and studies for a series of paintings depicting scenes from the recent Russian-Turkish war of 1877-78. With a glowing recommendation from his mentor, Gabashvili was accepted into the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, in 1886, where he won several accolades. He died in Tsikhisdziri, Adjara in 1936.

[Oil on board, 32.5 x 40.5 cm]

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