Sunday, September 4, 2011

John Henry Twachtman - Figure in Sunlight (Artist's Wife) [c.1890-1900]

John Twachtman (Cincinnati, Ohio, 1853 - Gloucester, Massachusetts, 1902) painted many portraits of his wife and children between 1889 and 1902. These were among the few figural works he made during a career devoted mostly to landscape painting. Twachtman did not believe in stiff, formal poses, and in this image he painted Martha seated comfortably in front of the family's small farmhouse. He had led a nomadic life before marrying and settling in Connecticut, and the soft, glowing colours of this scene convey the comfort of his new home and family. The blurred outlines and rich yellows and greens of the background evoke the warm, hazy atmosphere of a summer day.

[Oil on canvas, 66.4 x 53.9 cm]

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