Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Bernardo Strozzi - The Incredulity of Saint Thomas [c.1620]

Thomas, one of the twelve Apostles, declared that he would only believe that Christ had risen from the dead if he could touch his wounds. When Christ appeared a second time to the Apostles he spoke to Thomas: ‘Reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless but believing’ (John 20: 27). The spontaneity and confidence of Strozzi's handling of paint is very apparent in this well-preserved painting. It dates from about 1620.

Strozzi was a native of Genoa, and the leading Genoese painter of the early 17th century. He developed a distinctive bold style in handling and in colour, and painted both religious and secular works. He is best remembered for small-scale compositions, which he often repeated, but he was also an accomplished painter of full-scale narratives and portraits. The last years of his life, after 1631, were spent in Venice; in his work of this period the influence of Veronese becomes notable, while his own vigorous style influenced later Venetian art.

[Compton Verney - Oil on canvas, 89 x 98 cm]

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