Thursday, November 29, 2012

Biagio d’Antonio - Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts

In this panel and its companion the story of Jason and the Argonauts unfolds in a continuous narrative. The episodes here include the meeting of King Aëetes and his daughters Medea and Chalciope with Jason and his companions; Jason plowing the grove of Ares, where the Golden Fleece is guarded; Orpheus lulling the dragon to sleep so that Jason may steal the fleece; and, probably, the King sending his sons off to capture the fleeing Jason and Medea. The engaged decorative mouldings surrounding the painted panel are original. The paintings were probably installed as the backrests of two benches, or framed in the wainscoting of a room.

[Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York - Tempera on wood, gilt ornaments, 61.3 x 153.4 cm]

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