Monday, June 13, 2011

Gregorio Preti - Christ Disputing with the Doctors [1660s]

The subject is taken from the New Testament. This recounts how the 12-year-old Christ stayed behind in Jerusalem unknown to his parents Mary and Joseph (seen in the centre background). When they returned to look for him they found Christ disputing with the doctors of the Temple who 'were astonished at his understanding and his answers'. The painting was once thought to be by Mattia Preti, who had a successful career in Rome, Naples and Malta, but it has recently been attributed to his older brother, Gregorio.

Gregorio Preti, although always in the shadow of his more talented younger brother Mattia (1613 - 1699), was a capable artist in his own right. He was born in Taverna, a small town in the Sila Piccola mountains of Calabria, and executed several altarpeices for churches there. As a youth he went to Rome (1630-53), where he shared a studio and collaborated with Mattia on various projects. 

[Oil on canvas, 120 x 161.9 cm]

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