Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gallery Announcement

I have received an email from an old friend of mine - hope you can help:

Hello all. On 17th July I am running just a mile to raise money for Myeloma UK, the charity that does such good support work for Myeloma sufferers like myself. They are only a small charity and their Patron is Maureen Lipmann, whose husband Jack Rosenthal (of Londons Burning fame) died of the disease. I hope you can help, my target is £500, and I'm well on the way to that. The company I work for has also agreed to put in some money, and how much depends on how much I can raise. You can donate on the link below and also look at the donations so far. I will be running on my Club's track with the Junior section, who will no doubt want to beat me, and no doubt will!!

I hope you can help.

Best Regards - Pete

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